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Share Your Happiness

Happiness is something we end up chasing all our lives ever since the onset of birth. We’re born and our new life is celebrated as our birthday year after year, celebrating the joy of growing up and being alive. Gradually over time, small milestones in life become significant to look back at the journey which makes us who we are.

Graduating from school, college, building a career, buying one’s own house, car, getting married, raising a family and so on. We build our relations with so many people and become a part of their celebrations too.

There are children out there who do not have a family and need to be taken care of, they lack these relations, they too want to feel these events of joy which mean so much. For most of us just spending time with each other and doing things together, maybe eating out or going to a new place and discovering new activities, sharing a laugh or two makes our day.

We invite you all to share small doses of such happiness and joy and light a small in these children’s lives by spending a little bit of your time with them showing them what a birthday really means or what an anniversary really is, something good happened in your life, certain people in your life who you know wouldn’t feel the same rush of exhilaration you feel ? Try and see how alive a child feels with genuine happiness for you and your achievements.

Remember the times when you so much as just tied your laces and your parents clapped for you? Remember the heart skipping a beat when your favorite song plays, its those little things that really count. And who knows in the process, you might just reconnect with your own inner child and create a meaningful impact in someone else’s and your own life.

When you see those little eyes sparkle like Diwali lights and a smile bursting upon their faces on seeing you next, you will realize that happiness is really all about sharing it with someone else. How else will they know what happiness means too?

Lets Plant Tree on your Birthday

Help Mother Nature
Fill in the form below and we will plant a tree in your name
Plant a Seed!