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Support a Life

Baby Moni Kumari

Gender: Female
Age: 9 Days

Baby Moni Kumari, 9 days old child has less of appetite, poor absorption of nutrients, and major risk of body infections. The child is critical and doctors recommended close monitoring in NICU (Nursery ICU) costing Rs 1,18,520 for a speedy recovery and ability to breathe properly. To know more about the details click here.

Baby Nidhi

Gender: Female
Age: 2 Years

Baby Nidhi, 2 years old female child accidentally came in contact with hot water and got burnt. She got approx. 30% thermal burn injuries on her leg, back and abdomen areas. The nature of the injury is critical and doctors recommended immediate debridement procedures and further surgeries costing Rs 2,20,000 for a speedy recovery. The child is in a lot of pain and the parents are helpless due to their economic conditions, as they cannot bear the child's medical expenses. To know more on the details you can view here.

Master Prince

Gender: Male
Age: 1 Year 5 Months

Master Prince, 1 year 5 months old accidentally came in contact with hot water and his body got up to 35% thermal burns and was given an estimate of Rs 2.15,000/- for the overall treatment and skin surgeries as major infection on legs area, thigh, hip, and genital areas. He belongs to a financially feeble family. His father is not in a condition to bear the overall expenses. Please come forward to help this needy child.

Lets Plant Tree on your Birthday

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