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Introduce Us

We are one of the front running NGOs in India and we are active in many fields. There is no dearth of problems in India. Poverty, lack of governance in critical areas, diseases, and inequalities brought about by centuries of discrimination and wrong practices are some of the problems that we encounter in India. Most of these problems can be mitigated or even wiped out completely if there is concentrated effort and partnership with citizens who wish to help.

We often blame the government for most of the ills that dog our society. Yet, it is obvious that there is much we can do if we take the initiative and start looking for answers. India has a large educated work force and ‘service before self’ has been a concept practised in India for long. Most Indian philosophies have emphasised the notion of Dharma, a constituent of which is charity.

For peace and prosperity to take root, it is necessary to be accepting of differences in society in class and in practices like religion. We work across the society not believing in differences. Our aim is to make the life of men, women and children better so that they can live with dignity. Where ever we are active, we try to remove inequalities. For this we realise that we need help from all that are willing to pitch in.

A career in the NGO sector is very fulfilling. There is ample scope for advancement and the remuneration is good. Perhaps in few sectors can one go home at the end of a day’s work satisfied that some good has been done to mankind. We are active in several fields like vocational training, education, public health, geriatric care, partnering with the government and helping manage self-help groups.

If you have read about the work we do and you believe in us and you know of someone who is interested in a career with us or volunteering, we would be happy to have them in our midst as part of our large family of volunteers. Below, you may see a form that needs to be filled in by anyone wishing to join us in our endeavour.


Comments or questions are welcome.

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