Our Milestones:
- Successfully Running and sponsoring a Rehabilitation Center named as India Rehab Center.Wherein more than 80 differently abled children are being treated free of cost, special education,transportation and mid day snacks are also free for them.
- Organized blood donation camps in the town and helped blood banks in achieving their goals, the recent camps were done in association with Rotary Blood Bank.
- Organized Cloth distribution camps in various slums of Delhi/NCR in order to ensure no one is suffering the lack of clothes.
- Helped financially to A nine year old boy Sachin by providing the aid of Rs.52,000 and ensured the surgery at All India Institute of Medical Sciences.
- Organized Food Distribution camps in various slums/orphanages/old age homes
- Looking at the current brutal situation of capital, with the help of south delhi police and south district taekwondo association,we organized self defense programs invarious girls colleges in order to make them self dependent for any brutal condition with the help of all time available items like books, comb, mobile phones, bags etc. These camps were organized in Institute of Home Economics (D.U.), JIJA BAI ITI for Women, Kamla Nehru College and Gargi College.
Another five day work shop (11-3-2012 to 15-3-2012) was organized in JIJA BAI ITI for Women on the special request of the school management to the said NGO; the workshop was inaugurated by Mrs. Suman Nalwa (Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police) and local police team and NGO Management. After the completion of the workshop certificates were also distributed amongst the girls.
By the above mentioned activity AGWO helped training more than 3500 girls for self defense in the capital.
- Successfully did various stage programs with physically and mentally challenged children.
- Providing free Homeopathy service in association with 35years old Mahila Samiti at the rehablitation center.
Please have a look on all the accomplishment pictures in Gallery…!!!