What better way to lend a helping hand to society than donate blood to those in ominous need of it. A Giggles Welfare Organisation organizes blood donation camps time to tome, at different locations across Delhi/NCR. A recent event was held in connection with the 3rd anniversary celebrations of the World Blood Donors’ day . This campaign has collected a total of 7000 units of blood in 40 camps over the past five years. A Giggles Welfare Organisation arranges blood donation camp and collectins blood for Thalassemia Patients every month, every month blood donors donate blood through A Giggles Welfare Organisation to serve the humanity and to save the patients fighting with the critical disease Thalassemia and other life threating disease. We are also spreading awareness on blood donation so more and more people come ahead to donate blood and serve the humanity.
As per the facts of WHO that 8 million units of blood are collected globally every year. Only 45% of these are donated in developing countries and transitional countries where more than 80 % of world’s population lives. It is because of lack of education and awareness that our masses particularly youth is not donating blood in large scale to meet the need of our nation and state.
In Delhi we need more than 2 lacs of blood units but we are able to collect only 40% of it voluntarily and rest is being met by replacement of by other unfair means.
In such scenario blood donations campaigns and awareness about the same keeps sheer importance.